Community foundations are one of the world’s fastest growing philanthropic movements, with more than 1,400 foundations in 42 countries. In Canada, Community Foundations of Canada includes 194 community foundations managing almost $3 billion in assets—a permanent nest egg for Canadian communities.
Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in our community by strategically making grants to other charitable organizations – hunger programs, community theatre, adult literacy programs, summer environmental camps, programs for seniors, and many more.
Saskatoon Community Foundation holds donations in trust…in perpetuity. Only the income earned by the endowment is used to make grants. Every year, the foundation supports a wide range of community projects and initiatives.
Our Vision:
Making Saskatoon the best community in which to live.
Our Mission:
To contribute to quality of life by building endowments, strategic grant making, and community leadership.
Our Guiding Principles:
In pursuit of our mission, Saskatoon Community Foundation will:
- Be open, accountable, and ethical;
- Be a leader in charitable giving;
- Strengthen community capacity; and
- Be proactive.