B’nai Brith 2011 Bob Fawcett We’re Proud of You Award Endowment

We’re Proud of You!

Some people (even Bob) would say that Bob Fawcett’s service to the Saskatoon community has been dictated by his involvement in what his kids were involved in. Many, however, would argue that his lifestyle, his career choices and his community service are not what Bob does, but an integral part of whom he is. Awarded the B’nai Brith’s 2011 We’re Proud of You award in November of 2011, Bob was humbled by all the attention he has received for what he feels is just doing what he feels needs to be done. The award is given each year to a citizen in Saskatoon who has provided exceptional level of volunteer service to Saskatoon and who has not received due recognition. Bob, a now retired firefighter, has been involved with dozens of local charities, community events and organizations either as a volunteer, committee member or a coach. As former campaign chair for the 2009 United Way campaign, Bob’s leadership in the Saskatoon community has far reaching effects.

Although Bob’s volunteer spirit was groomed from his hardworking father by raising money for sports teams as Bob grew up in North Park, he has continued to insert volunteerism and charity in all aspects of his life. Not one to accept the status quo, Bob is perhaps the most proud of developing a mentorship program with the Saskatoon Blades for inner city kids. This program promotes healthy lifestyles as well as provides these kids with an opportunity to experience sport at a different level.

There is no doubt that Bob has had an impact on the Saskatoon community and will continue to do so through volunteering and through his new role in Community Relations for North Atlantic Potash. The B’nai Brith 2011 Bob Fawcett Fund, an endowment established jointly by the Saskatoon Community Foundation and the Saskatoon B’nai Brith Chapter, was created in 2011 to celebrate the commitment and achievements of Bob. At the request of Bob, the income from the fund will support the United Way of Saskatoon since he has experienced first hand the importance of these funds to the community of Saskatoon.

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