Dr. Whitmer Firor Music Scholarship

The Saskatoon Foundation learned of the death of Dr. Firor on January 28, 1995. He was a professor of Medicine (Cardiology) at the University of Saskatchewan for 28 years. Dr. Firor was a Community Builder of the Foundation who established a life insurance policy, owned by the Foundation, in 1990. It was his wish that a musical scholarship be established for residents of  Saskatchewan from the income earned from the endowment fund. It was particularly his desire “that such scholarship be used to support advanced study for particularly talented students who intend to pursue a career in music.” This advanced study would include work with a “master teacher.” Dr. Firor’s son Per will chair a scholarship committee that will advise the Foundation as to the identity of the recipients of the scholarship.

The Saskatoon Foundation is honoured to have been chosen to administer a scholarship that will, forever, support the talented musicians of our province.

To apply visit Saskatoon Community Foundation Student Awards

Deadline for applications is June 30th 

Email to:


OR mail to:

Whit Firor Music Scholarship

c/o Saskatoon Community Foundation

#101 – 308 Fourth Avenue North

Saskatoon SK   S7K 2L7

Application (pdf version), Application (Word version)

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