The Edda and Alan Ryan Saskatoon Symphony Fund was created to ensure a stable base of long-term support for Saskatoon’s excellent symphony orchestra. This can best be expressed by Alan and Edda’s own words:
“Both of us, Edda and Alan Ryan, emigrated from countries where symphonic music was an important part of the cultural scene. We believe that this still holds true today, not only for the concerts themselves, but for the presence in our community of professional musicians who can foster a love of music in the next generation. Orchestras have always had difficulty finding enough money to operate securely, possibly because their greatest expense is in salaries, and it is hard for sponsors to attach their names to a salary. So we have thought that one way we can help is through an endowment. that way, the orchestra receives an annual contribution in perpetuity. We would love to think that our small contribution might encourage others to add to an endowment program for the Saskatoon Symphony so that it continues as a vibrant organization long into the future.”