In celebration of the lives of Gordon Birney, who died in 1999, and Moira Birney, who died in 2019, the Birney Family has established the Gordon and Moira Birney Memorial Fund. Gord was born in Winnipeg in 1930 but grew up in Toronto, where he met his wife Moira. Moira was born and raised in Toronto. The couple moved to Saskatoon in 1965 with daughters Janice and Donna. Son Douglas was born in 1970. During his life, Gord gave freely his time and talents, as treasurer of the Board of Trade and Grosvenor Park United Church, and president of the Saskatoon Ski Club during the 1971 Canada Winter Games. He was also a long-time member of the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) Board of Directors, and served as chair from 1984-1993. In recognition of his commitment, the SRC named its new corporate wing in Gord’s honour. Despite living with diabetes from age 14, Gord was determined to live life to the fullest … and he did. He enjoyed sports, hobbies, and, most of all, time with family and friends. Funds from the Gordon and Moira Birney Memorial Fund will help support YWCA Saskatoon programs that assist women to help them gain the skills and resources needed to create healthy and productive lives for themselves and their families.