The Helen-Stella Compassion Fund was established to honour two wonderful, God-fearing and loving ladies who set the standard in goodness and godliness for their children and grandchildren to follow.
Helen Vedasunderaraj and Stella Paul were the wives of two exceptional gentlemen who accomplished much and received much recognition during their lifetime. Their accomplishments would not have been possible without the untiring support of these exceptional women.
On reaching the threshold set for the Helen-Stella Compassion Fund, it will direct grant funding for projects in Canada and for global projects, on a 60-40 basis. A minimum of 40 percent will be directed to projects in Saskatoon, and a minimum of 25 percent will be directed to projects in India. The funding priorities will include poverty and hunger alleviation, support for new immigrants and refugees, and provision of child welfare services and education.
One of the ways we raise funds is by cooking Indian food! Here’s how it works: we cook for you and you donate to the fund (you don’t pay us anything). We can cook for families or events. Anyone who likes Indian food and would like to support this fund can contact James or Kalyani by emailing