Larson Family Fund

When The Saskatoon Foundation held a reception in Calgary in 1998, Lorne Larson was one of those in attendance. It was there that he made the commitment to establish the Larson Family Fund. Lorne and his sister Lydia Mavis McMillan, who now lives in B.C., both spent their youth in Saskatoon and their parents lived here from the early 1930s to 1967. Their mother Lil was active in church activities and Kinettes, while dad Herb was busy running Mid-West Litho, which he started. Herb volunteered for the Saskatoon Figure Skating Association, Canadian Figure Skating Association, Saskatoon Public Libra1y Board, Kinsmen and Rota1y Clubs. “Our parents had lots of fun and lots friends in Saskatoon,” Lorne says today. “They’re gone now, but establishing a fund in their honour seemed like a good way to remember them and the community they enjoyed very much.” The Larson Family Fund is part of the Give YXE Fund, which funds various programs that address the pressing needs of the community adjudicated by a community volunteer committee.

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