The four daughters of Harold & Vilda Latrace joined with Vilda to create a living testimonial to their father’s involvement in Saskatoon. “Dad’s has done a tremendous amount for the community,” says daughter Adell Pfeifer, “and we wanted to recognize his efforts.” Under the guidance of Vilda, Adell along with her sisters, Joyce-Lundquist, Betty Anne Latrace Henderson, and Sharon Robert got together to establish the Latrace Family Fund. In addition to being the highly respected shareholder of the Saskatoon and Regina Travelodges, Harold served as a city alderman in the 1960s. He is best remembered for extensive work in the community, particularly with the Kiwanis Club, which honoured him with a 35-year award, and with the 4-H Multiple Club, which he introduced to Saskatoon. Harold was also instrumental in the formation of the NSBA here in Saskatoon. The Latrace Family Fund will be used for programs benefiting youth in the community.