MNP Community Fund

MNP was established in 1958 and is a leading national accounting, tax and business consulting firm in Canada.  (  Our firm is built on several core values, including valuing our professions and our communities.  We believe that being a successful business in a community means you have a responsibility to give back to your community, through your time, talents and treasures.

Individually, our partners each have personal interests that are near and dear to them, who volunteer their time and expertise to a number of organizations.  Although our partnership is national, the MNP Community Fund with Saskatoon Community Foundation was created by our local Saskatoon partners as a way to collectively give back to our community, in the hopes that we would give more as a group than we otherwise would individually.

A key to our firm is that we operate as one team – we achieve success as a team and we fail as a team.  This ‘one firm’ spirit has lead us to be involved in our community, as we realize we are better if we work together. This fund was a way for us to give dollars back to the communities where we choose to live, to work and to raise our families. What this fund did was increase the philanthropy of our group.  We also hope that this fund sets an example for our team, not only as something they can be proud of, but also something they can personally aspire to do at some point.

Saskatoon Community Foundation was an obvious choice because of the flexibility of the fund.  MNP plan an annual giving component within the organization.  We wanted to contribute to a fund annually, with the intention that we would flow funds out to the community, however, we didn’t want to wait to contribute until we knew exactly where those funds would be placed.  For us, to personally set up a foundation would have been an administrative burden, and working with  Saskatoon Community Foundation takes away those challenges.

Our partnership is different from a family owned business or a corporation with a value to return a percentage to the community.  We are a group of diverse individuals with competing priorities.  Creating this fund gave us the opportunity to come together and find worthy projects or organizations that we are passionate about.  We are incredibly proud of our partner team for establishing this fund and we look forward to watching our contributions grow.

We would suggest there are many firms and businesses like us; wanting to do something, but struggling to know where to start.  We believe that if not for Saskatoon Community Foundation, we would not have been able to accomplish this goal.  The staff made our involvement easy, and if anyone is wondering whether this could be a fit for their business or group of individuals, we suggest you explore that opportunity.

We truly believe that without this fund, our collective contributions to the community would be significantly less than they are with this fund. We are excited to watch our community impact grow.

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