Dr. Robert Dumont, renowned Building Scientist and Engineer, grew up in Vancouver, BC with his parents, Dr. Hubert Dumont MD and Margaret (Winterburn), and eleven siblings. After graduating from Vancouver College and UBC in Mechanical Engineering, he volunteered for CUSO for two years in Nairobi, Kenya. In 1970 he moved to Saskatoon and received his MSc and PhD at the University of Saskatchewan. Rob was an early advocate of super insulated high efficiency buildings. He was fortunate to be part of a bright innovative team of building scientists based in Saskatoon, first with the National Research Council and later, the Saskatchewan Research Council. This group set out to demonstrate that high energy, super insulated buildings were not only a viable alternative to conventional construction, but if constructed on a large scale, would assist to reduce the negative affects of carbon causing climate change. Convinced of the importance of this research, Rob and his wife, Philippine, built their own super insulated, highly efficient home on Main Street in Saskatoon. When finished in 1992 it was recognized as the most energy efficient building on this planet – an achievement indeed. His personal life choices truly reflected his values. He rode a bicycle to work, drove a Toyota Prius before they became as popular as they are today, and was always willing to generously share his expertise. He has been a long time supporter of the Saskatchewan Environmental Society and Development and Peace.
Rob was a charter member of Saskatoon Energy Management Task Force (EMTF), a group that was formed in reaction to the OPEC oil crisis in the mid 1980s that resulted in alarmingly high energy prices. The EMTF was formed with the backing of the federal government with chapters across Canada. Voluntary members who are committed to energy issues, education, information transfer, and advocacy relating to residential, commercial, industry and community support EMTF’s mandate. Rob played a major role supporting and developing initiatives that enabled the Saskatoon EMTF to remain a fully active and vibrant organization. Today the Saskatoon EMTF is the only surviving chapter in Canada. Following Rob’s May 2015 passing, the EMTF held the first Rob Dumont Energy Management Awards on October 15, 2015, at which over 200 friends and colleagues attended. Rob was honoured posthumously with the Lifetime Achievement Award in conjunction with the formation of the Rob Dumont Fund with the Saskatoon Community Foundation, as legacy and recognition of Rob’s immense contribution to building science and his passion for saving our planet earth. Rob’s wife, Philippine, continues to live in their energy efficient home, dedicating her time to volunteering, traveling, painting and sewing.