Ted Henson established a designated fund at The Saskatoon Foundation, with income from the fund directed to the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
The Henson family’s association with Royal University Hospital began some years ago with a financial contribution to furnish the wards at the Saskatoon Cancer Centre. In addition, Ted chaired a committee of Saskatoon Shriners which convinced the WaWa Shrine Temple in Regina to buy six oxygen monitoring units for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at R.U.H.
When thinking about charitable gifts at Christmas time, the family wanted to make a difference to newborns. It was important to help other families as their family had been helped.
“We’ve donated to The Saskatoon Foundation for some time, and have always found The Foundation to be an excellent vehicle to administer our donations;’ says Ted.