How To Apply

We want your grant application to be successful.

Before applying, please view these short videos that will give you important information and tips for receiving funding. 

Table of Contents

Getting Started with your Grant Application

Thinking about applying for grant funding? Start here!
Check your non-profit status here

Where to Apply for Funding

In this video, we’ll explain a bit about our granting programs and how to determine which one to apply to for your project.

Understanding Our Focus Areas

Our focus areas aim to provide funding to specific areas in the community based on Vital Signs research. This video will explain those focus areas that we will be targeting funding towards.

What is Important in a Grant Application

We’re here to help you set your grant applications up for success. In this video, we’ll outline some of the essential elements of a successful application.

Understanding the Process for Vital Focus Grants

Vital Focus Grants have a unique process – be sure to educate yourself on this process before deciding to apply.

If you need support along the way, please call us at (306) 665-1767