
Working with a Community Foundation

September 1, 2020

Community Foundations of Canada are uniquely positioned to bring together people who care about making a lasting difference in our community with charitable organizations addressing pressing priorities.

Saskatoon Inter-Agency Response to COVID-19

August 5, 2020

The Saskatoon Inter-Agency Response to COVID-19 group is working to serve vulnerable residents. It has provided a coordinated approach for service, information, and resources.

Leadership from the Street Up

June 1, 2020

Shane Partridge is the voice we need in Saskatoon, working with street gangs and advocating for rehabilitation. Shane is a recipient of the Saskatoon Community Foundation Leadership Bursary.

Bart Hunter Receives Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal

May 14, 2020

Philanthropist Bart Hunter is recognized by the province for his contributions, volunteerism, and impact. He credits wife Cindy for her partnership and support.

Canadian Donors’ Motivation to Impact the Community: Gift Planners’ Study

May 1, 2020

This Canadian Association of Gift Planners study looked at donors' motivations. Giving back to community proves to be a much larger motivation than the prospective tax breaks.

Talking about Philanthropy

November 1, 2019

In conversations with their clients, financial advisors can gain a deeper understanding of their clients' philanthropic interests and values. With many Canadians retiring and transferring wealth over the coming years, the relationships with advisors are key.

An account of Saskatoon Community Foundation’s First 20 Years

October 25, 2019

Saskatoon Community Foundation was established in 1970. The first 20 years of the foundation saw it incorporated by an Act in the Legislative Assembly, gathering the support of prominent leaders, and building capital.

Making a Lasting Gift to Your Community

May 8, 2019

Including a charitable bequest in your will creates a lasting legacy for the community you love. It is easy to work with the Saskatoon Community Foundation, and there are many ways to make a gift.

Saskatoon Community Foundation gets record-breaking number of requests

March 11, 2019

Saskatoon Community Foundation received a record number of 80 applications for the Quality of Life Granting Program in 2019. The program supports community initiatives and is funded through donations.