
Blog Articles

Festival Reaches Children Across the Province

May 2, 2022

Thanks to the foundation's generous fundholders, record numbers of children participated in the 2021 Nutrien Children's Festival of Saskatchewan using iPads and other screens.

Cherry Tree House Productions Creates New Donor Advised Spendable Fund Benefiting Aspiring Musicians

December 23, 2021

The foundation's first Donor Advised Spendable Fund donors, Lowell McLaren and Denise Zentner of Cherry Tree House Productions, are "paying it forward" to encourage aspiring future musicians.

Questions about Year-End giving?

December 13, 2021

Strategic giving at year-end makes a big impact in your community. Here are the deadlines for transferring securities and donating by cheque or online.

Use Your Life Insurance to Change the World

December 8, 2021

There are many ways to make a difference in this world. You likely have causes and organisations you care deeply about and contribute to on a regular basis. But did you know that you have the ability to do more for your favourite causes using your life insurance?

The 5Ws of Will Writing

December 1, 2021

A Will is your legal voice after you pass. It communicates how you want your property to be distributed, how you want your loved ones to be taken care of, what causes you want to support, and more. Without it, your wishes may not be honoured, and things could be very difficult for those you leave behind.

Guide: Talking to Your Advisor About a Charitable Gift in Your Will

November 24, 2021

You want to leave a charitable gift in your Will to advance the causes you care about. Taxes are likely the last thing on your mind. But you may be surprised to learn that Canada has some of the most generous tax incentives for charitable giving in the world.

5 Common Myths that Get in the Way of Your Will Power

November 19, 2021

Your Will can be a powerful tool for creating change in the world. By leaving a gift to charity in your Will you can have a much bigger impact than you ever imagined. In fact, a gift in a Will can turn that ordinary Canadian into an extraordinary philanthropist!

Having the Conversation: A Proactive Approach Ensures You Get What You Want

November 17, 2021

However, taking a proactive approach to planning your estate ensures that not only are you and your loved ones on the same page, but that your wishes are honoured and you get what you want. 

The Show Will Go On, Thanks to Alan

October 18, 2021

Every theatre company has a loyal base of patrons who are deeply invested in the work of their organization. Perhaps none more so than Alan Long, who began his journey into the arts over 40 years ago as a drummer in a band.

Why You Should Leave a Charitable Gift In Your Will

October 15, 2021

Like most Canadians, you’ve probably spent a lifetime contributing to a cause that’s close to your heart. Now imagine making a bigger contribution than you ever thought possible.

Foundation Selects SEI Investments as Investment Manager

September 20, 2021

After an extensive review, SEI Investments was selected as the new investment management services provider by Saskatoon Community Foundation.

Alphonsine Lafond: A Transformative Woman

June 4, 2021

Chief Alphonsine Lafond's family is marking the 60th anniversary of this remarkable leader's election by establishing a named fund investing in young Indigenous women.