Encouraging and supporting post-secondary students is the reason some donors work with the Saskatoon Community Foundation.
The student awards created by our donors have a wide variety of purposes. Some support graduates of a specific high school, while others focus on a loved one’s special interests. The Saskatoon Community Foundation currently manages the following student award funds:
A.H.Browne Memorial Scholarship in Horticulture
Scholarship open to students entering year 3 or 4 of Horticulture in the B.S.A. program at the University of Saskatchewan. Candidates to be well rounded, including participation in arts, music, culture, sports and/or community service
Awarded by College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan.
Deadline to apply – Contact University of Saskatchewan
Award Value approx. $5,500.00
Chow Family Award of Excellence
For a graduate of Walter Murray Collegiate who is entering post-secondary studies. Candidates to be well rounded students who display exemplary leadership, personal qualities and a high level of academic achievement.
Deadline for applications – Contact Walter Murray Collegiate
Award Value approx. $1,000.00
Dr. Garry Hayes Memorial Scholarship
2 awards, one for a male and one for a female junior golfer who are entering post-secondary studies. Selection based on golf achievement and prowess, superior scholastic performance, high character and leadership ability.
Awarded by Saskatchewan Golf Association
Deadline for applications – May 31st at 12:00 PM
Dr. Ray and Helen Fast Fund
Bursary administered through the Nutana Park Mennonite Church
Dr. Ronald Doucette Student Award in Anatomy
Scholarship open to students entering second year at the University of Saskatchewan studying anatomy in the College of Medicine. Candidates will be required to demonstrate community involvement
Awarded by College Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.
Deadline to apply – Contact University of Saskatchewan
Award Value approx. $1,700.00
Dr. Whitmer Firor Music Scholarship
For a Saskatchewan music student who is looking to improve their performance, composition, or arranging skills.
Deadline for applications – June 15
Email to: donorservices@saskatooncommunityfoundation.ca
OR mail to
Whit Firor Music Scholarship
c/o Saskatoon Community Foundation
#101 – 308 Fourth Avenue North
Saskatoon SK S7K 2L7
Award Value approx. $4,500.00
Edith May Forrest Student Award for Nursing
Awarded annually by the College of Nursing to a first-year student attending the College of Nursing at the University of Saskatchewan. For those outside of the municipal boundaries of Saskatoon and Regina, with preference given to those who have demonstrated significant community involvement, especially in the case of volunteer health care.
Deadline to apply – Contact University of Saskatchewan
Esterhazy Class of ’74 Scholarship
For a graduate of Esterhazy Central High School who is entering post-secondary studies. Award provides a grant of $1,000.00 per year for two years of a program at any post-secondary institution. Based on superior scholastic performance, high character, leadership ability and financial need.
Deadline for applications -Contact Esterhazy Central High School
Evan Thomas Memorial Scholarship
For a graduating student from any high school within the Saskatoon Public School system or the Greater Saskatoon Catholic School System who will be entering post-secondary studies.
To apply for the scholarship, visit the Evan Thomas Memorial Scholarship website
Award Value approx. $4,000.00
Fred F. Langford Bursary
Awarded by the College of GeoSciences at the University of Saskatchewan.
Deadline for applications – Contact University of Saskatchewan
Award Value approx. $4,300.00
Gerald Rose & Kathryn (Rose) Cooper Memorial Scholarship
For a graduate of Walter Murray Collegiate who is entering post-secondary studies. Candidates should be well-rounded through volunteering in school and/or community activities.
Deadline for applications – contact Walter Murray Collegiate
Award Value approx. $1,000.00
Hardy Souls of ’76 Memorial Scholarship
For a graduate of Evan Hardy Collegiate who is entering post-secondary studies. Candidates should possess a genuine love of learning, strive for self-improvement and has contributed positively to the school community.
Deadline for applications – contact Evan Hardy Collegiate
Award Value approx. $500.00
Harry Koehn Student Award
Awarded by Saskatchewan Polytechnic – Regina, to a grade 12 student who will be attending any Saskatchewan Polytechnic. For a resident of Saskatoon, a former resident of Saskatoon who resided in Saskatoon for a considerable period, or other person who has or had a strong Saskatoon connection through birth, family or residence. One or more Awards
Deadline for applications – contact Saskatchewan Polytechnic – Regina
Total Award Value approx. $14,800.00
Hector Loveridge Memorial Scholarship
For a first-year student entering the College of Agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan, applicants shall be well-rounded through involvement in school and/or community activities, preference will be given to those with a 4H background.
Deadline for applications – May 1st
Awarded by 4-H Saskatchewan
Howard Lindberg Memorial Award
Awarded by the College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan to a first- or second-year student with preference for students who graduated from a high school in a town of less than 5,000 people.
Deadline for applications – Contact University of Saskatchewan
Award Value approx. $1,000.00
Isabel Anderson Physical Sciences Bursary
Awarded by Meridian Lodge to a graduate of Unity Composite High School.
Deadline for applicants – Contact Unity Composite High School
Award Value approx. $4,200.00
Jasper Family Fund
To recognize the academic achievement of an upper year undergraduate student pursuing study in the Department of Geological Sciences, College of Arts and Science and who is committed to making a career in geology.
Awarded by College of Arts and Science University of Saskatchewan.
Deadline to apply – Contact University of Saskatchewan
Award Value approx. $1,900.00
Jill Mack Memorial Scholarship
Visit https://jillmackscholarship.ca/ for eligibility and application.
Award Value approx. $5,000.00
Jimmie and Ethel Anderson Bursary
Awarded by Meridian Lodge to a graduate of Unity Composite High School.
Deadline for applicants – Contact Unity Composite High School
Award Value approx. $2,600.00
John and Alice MacLellan Memorial Scholarship
For graduates of Memorial High School in Sydney Mines, NS who are entering post-secondary studies who have participated in co-curricular or organized out-of-school activities, are community-minded and have demonstrated this characteristic by providing volunteer services to the community.
Deadline for applications – Contact Memorial High School
Award Value approx. $2,300.00
Kelly Best Spirit Award – Evan Hardy Collegiate
For a graduate of Evan Hardy Collegiate entering post-secondary studies who have demonstrated exemplary school spirit throughout high school. Strong community members, with a personality and spirit that shines, who have met any personal challenges or adversity with a strong determination and a smile on their face.
Deadline for applications – contact Evan Hardy Collegiate
Award Value approx. $1,000.00
Kelly Best Spirit Award – Holy Cross Collegiate
For a graduate of Holy Cross Collegiate entering post-secondary studies who have demonstrated exemplary school spirit throughout high school. Strong community members, with a personality and spirit that shines, who have met any personal challenges or adversity with a strong determination and a smile on their face.
Deadline for applications – contact Holy Cross Collegiate
Award Value approx. $1,000.00
Kostiuk Memorial Scholarship
For female graduates of Evan Hardy Collegiate entering further study in Math and/or Science who have participated in co-curricular or organized out-of-school activities, are community minded and have demonstrated this characteristic by providing volunteer services to the community.
Contact Evan Hardy Collegiate for information
Award Value approx. $3,000.00
Lauren Spence Memorial Scholarship
For a graduate of Marion Graham Collegiate who has participated in the choir program at Marion Graham Collegiate and has exemplified attributes of enthusiasm, helpfulness, be hard-working and be a strong supporter of the choral program.
Deadline for applications – contact Marion Graham Collegiate
Award Value approx. $900.00
Leadership Saskatoon Bursary
Saskatoon Community Foundation sponsors tuition for one student to attend the 10 month leadership program each year. To be considered, applicants must work in the charitable sector and clearly demonstrate a history of community involvement.
Contact Leadership Saskatoon to apply
Mary Lou Ogle Scholarship for the Study of Communications – University of Saskatchewan
Awarded by the University of Saskatchewan to a Saskatchewan resident who has graduated from a Saskatchewan high school who is entering the third or fourth year, registered in the baccalaureate study of Communications.
Deadline for applications – contact University of Saskatchewan
Award Value approx. $4,800.00
Mary Lou Ogle Scholarship for the Study of Communications – University of Regina
Awarded by the University of Regina to a Saskatchewan resident who has graduated from a Saskatchewan high school who is entering the third or fourth year, registered in the baccalaureate study of Communications.
Deadline for applications – contact University of Regina
Award Value approx. $4,800.00
Meredith MacPherson Stalwick Fund
For a Saskatchewan junior golfer entering post-secondary studies who is well rounded through involvement in school and/or community activities and a current member of the Saskatchewan Golf Association.
Deadline for applications – April 1st
Michael C Sifton Memorial Scholarship
Awarded by the University of Saskatchewan to a graduate entering post-secondary studies, with preference given to students enrolling in programs that facilitate marketing, communications, or journalism. Candidates must demonstrate community involvement and or volunteerism to be considered for this award.
Deadline for applications – Contact University of Saskatchewan
2 Awards of approx. $1,350.00 each
Morgan Evans Scholarship
For a graduate of the Ernie Studer School in Loon Lake, with significant preference to one who intends to pursue post-secondary studies in the trade industry. Candidates should be very involved in sport activities and demonstrate community involvement through participation in community activities and events through volunteerism.
Deadline for applications – Contact Ernie Studer School
Award Value approx. $500.00
Mrs. Wallie Kathe Riemer Memorial Vocal Scholarship
Awarded by the Saskatoon Music Festival Association to the vocalist(s) who in the opinion of the adjudicator appointed by the Saskatoon Music Festival Association gives the finest performance in each of the following categories:
Class number 4450 – Sacred Solo, any voice, 18 years and under and
Class number 446 – Sacred Solo, any voice, 16 years and under
Deadline for applications – Contact Saskatoon Music Festival Association
2 Awards of approx. $100.00 each
Nels, Anna and Evelyn Dahl Nursing Education Fund
For a First Nations, Inuit, or Métis student from Saskatchewan pursuing post-secondary studies in Nursing.
Deadline for applications – June 15th
Award Value approx. $3,300.00
Pearson Family Student Award
Awarded by Open Door Society to an individual who is identified as a refugee or an immigrant to Canada, residing in Saskatoon and permanent residents of Canada, who will be attending post-secondary studies in Saskatchewan.
Deadline for applications – Contact Open Door Society
Award Value approx. $1,100.00
Quinn Stevenson Memorial Scholarship
For a graduate of Centennial Collegiate who will be attending post-secondary studies, who has participated in athletics at the school or community level, demonstrates leadership and participation in the school and community. Lives by Centennial’s code of conduct – Honour, Respect and Service.
Deadline for Applications – Contact Centennial Collegiate
Award Value approx. $1,500.00
Rouse Family Fund for the College of Nursing
Awarded by the College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan to a student entering the fourth/final year in Nursing. Selection based on academic achievement and financial needs.
Deadline for Applications – Contact College of Nursing – University of Saskatchewan
Award Value approx. $1,250.00
Ruth Taylor Saskatoon Music Festival Fund
Awarded by the Saskatoon Music Festival Association
Deadline for applications – contact Saskatoon Music Festival Association
Saskatchewan Land Surveyors Association Student Award
Awarded by Saskatchewan Land Surveyors Association
Deadline for Applications – July 15
To apply: https://www.slsa.sk.ca/scholarships
Saskatoon Music Festival Association Sheila Shinkewski Fund
Awarded by the Saskatoon Music Festival Association
Deadline for applications – contact Saskatoon Music Festival Association
Saskatoon & Region Home Builders Association Career Development Scholarship
Awarded by Saskatchewan Polytechnic – Moose Jaw Campus to a Saskatchewan resident entering the building construction trades. Selection will be based on financial need.
Deadline for Applications – Contact Saskatchewan Polytechnic – Moose Jaw Campus
Award Value approx. $700.00
Thomas Coghlan Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a student who intends to pursue post-secondary studies or Grade 12 Equivalency with the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies. Candidates to be a Saskatchewan resident with preference to a LaRonge area resident but not limited to, and under the age of 25.
Deadline for Applications – Contact Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies
Award Value approx. $500.00
William (Bill) Cooper Entrepreneurship Student Award
Awarded by Saskatchewan 4-H to a member of Saskatchewan 4-H entering an entrepreneurial program or business initiative who demonstrates exceptional enthusiasm and awareness of the entrepreneurial concept.
Deadline for applications – contact Saskatchewan 4-H
Award Value approx. $700.00